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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

[Random] The music ULTA plays in their stores.

As an ULTA Beauty employee, I often have to suffer though 5-8 hours of listening to the same music over and over again. Most of it is complete shit. Like... there's this french song they play that is just AWFUL. Anyway, when I was bored, I shazamed a lot of them and figured out what they were. Some are awesome classics, but they mix in some horrible music from other countries in there. No, not all music from other countries are bad, but these particular ones are horrid. Youtube has been my friend in finding all of these, so below is an incomplete list of the songs they play in ULTA stores.

The Good:

Roberta Sá - Ah, Se eu vou

Janet Jackson - Doesn't really matter

One Direction - What makes you beautiful

The Bangles - Manic Monday

Donna Lewis - I love you always forever

The horrible:

Marcos Valle - Novo Acorde

Fidelity - Regina Spektor


  1. Could you find out the song that kind of sounds like the little mermaid under the sea song.... except the artist kind of sounds similar to SIA, but it's probably not. Ulta has been playing it about 3 times a day recently.

  2. I could certainly look into it! I'm still kind of compiling a list as I hear it or shazam it haha.

  3. lol! i have been working at ulta since august and i am kind of fascinated by the mix of music played! of course now christmas is mixed in...

  4. The one I really like is Purity Ring- Begin Again. Great track!

  5. The one I really like is Purity Ring- Begin Again. Great track!

  6. I heard this one song that sounded cool. It was a guy singing and it was kinda dubstep or something after the chorus and mentioned something about "make you make me miss me" or kiss me. Driving me crazy. Can't find the song anywhere online.

  7. Does anyone know the reggae song they played all the time last year something about the man loving the girl so much .. The lyrics were like something every girl wants to's killing me !!!



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