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Monday, January 7, 2013

Introductory post

I find the fact that I was once addicted to blogging so interesting, especially since it was almost 3 years ago since I last did one. Anyway...

Happy New Year everybody! I have a great feeling about 2013 and I have a whole lot in store for myself as well as friends and family! Starting with my novel, the one I've been writing since middle school. This novel has gone through several different titles and several different plots, but eight years later and with some more experience under my belt, I think I am finally happy with what will be the end result. In middle school I called it... "Ravens Eye". Then it evolved once I hit High School and I started calling it "The Temple of violet Ash", once again changing it towards the end of High School to "The Zenrai Legacy" with book one being called "Hydrangea". Then I abandoned it completely to start several other novels, which I also have not finished.

BUT, in 2011 I got the idea for another novel that I have been infatuated with since and I actually combined the first novel with this one and called it "The Song of Asiron". In 2013 I have finally decided on a name that I may (or may not...) stick with and am very happy with it and the plot. "Serenade".

The novel has, of course, some gay themes in it but mainly explores the relationship of a young boy and his father, the relationship between two lovers, and the relationship with a large horse named Atlas. I'll type up a full summary when I have more time/details, but for now I am so happy with the result. I plan on the first draft being done by Fall of this year at which point I will find some people to help me edit. 

Another thing I have in store for 2013 is to move up in my job. I don't really want to leave my job, because I adore most of the people I work with, but moving up is a goal I will have for this year. I currently work for Philosophy, which is a skin care brand where we believe clear skin is the best cosmetic! I've truly fallen in love with the product and have seen it work for so many different people (myself included). We'll see where life takes me!

Last thing I want to say is that my best friend Lindsay is moving! Well... traveling abroad for 7 months, but still, that's a long time! She's headed to Berlin in Germany to live with a host family while she studies, it's an amazing opportunity and I can't wait for her to come back!

I'll post later when I think of something to write!


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